Do I have any disadvantages with CSS? What do I have to consider when choosing my CSS provider?

If you have chosen a professional CSS partner like ads4seo, you will not have any disadvantages from using a CSS. It comes down to the following things:

  1. You have to make sure that your CSS provider has activated the Google opt-ins regarding “Shopping Ads beyond general search” and “placing Shopping Ads outside of Europe”.
  2. In addition, the CSS provider must be certified by Google in all countries that are relevant to you.
  3. In addition, the CSS provider should be known for good support. Since Google is continuously developing the CSS program, things go wrong from time to time. Especially the cheap providers like to leave their customers out in the rain.
  4. Finally, it’s important to know that PMax campaigns can have stronger performance fluctuations for a day or two after a CSS switch. This is because the algorithm has to adapt to the new bidding situation. He does this by experimenting with the bids to find the new optimum.

As one of the largest CSS premium providers in the world, ads4seo is certified in all CSS countries and has all Google opt-ins. In addition, we are continually praised for our top-notch customer support.