How did you come up with the idea of a Branded CSS? Are agencies really getting more incoming customer inquiries?

A good friend of the founder runs an online gin shop and was one of ads4seo’s first CSS customers. At the time, our CEO noticed that many incoming customer inquiries came from online liquor shops and in conversations it turned out that these interested parties had seen the “By ads4seo” link among their competitor’s shopping ads.

Since then, countless leads have come to us who had seen the “By ads4seo” link in shopping ads and wanted “their products to show up at the top, too”. Since we do not offer agency services, we cannot use these valuable leads.

A virtue arose out of necessity – our Branded CSS solution. Here we ensure that these leads can also be helped and that they end up in the right place: with online marketing agencies. You can skim through our testimonials to see that this works.